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Omslagsbild för Overcome Shyness & Improve Self-esteem
Isbn: 978-28-2110-918-6
Förlag: Saga Egmont
Medicin & hälsa
Tillgänglig sedan: december 2022
Uppläsare: Katie Haigh
Length: 1 timme 13 minuter


Overcome Shyness & Improve Self-esteem

This series of exercices is specially designed to help you overcome shyness, boost your confidence and improve your self-esteem, through simple and proven techniques. Self-esteem is an absolutely essential part of our survival. Without it, we are at risk of self-defeating behavior or unhealthily negative feelings. Through guided visualization and relaxation techniques, these exercices will help you overcome anxiety while easily improving your confidence and social skills. Listen to these exercises whenever you need to alleviate anxiety in link to social situations, for healing or for maintaining self-esteem in a time of stress and tension.

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