E-böcker / Noveller
Big Pill
Big Pill is a science fiction short story by Raymond Z. Gallun first published in 1952. Child, it was, of the now ancient H-bomb. New. Untested. Would its terrible power sweep the ...
Asteroid of Fear
Asteroid of Fear is a science fiction novella by Raymond Z. Gallun first published in 1951. “All space was electrified as that harsh challenge rang out ... but John Endlich hesitat ...
The Tunnel Under The World
The Tunnel Under The World is a science fiction novella by Frederik Pohl first published in 1955. This famous Pohl story explores cybernetic robots and implanted personalities in a ...
Survival Kit
Survival Kit is a science fiction novella by Frederik Pohl first published in 1957. It wasn't fair—a smart but luckless man like Mooney had to scrounge, while Harse always made out ...
Pythias is a science fiction short story by Frederik Pohl first published in 1955. Sure, Larry Connaught saved my life—but it was how he did it that forced me to murder him! Some t ...
My Lady Greensleeves
My Lady Greensleeves is a science fiction novella by Frederik Pohl first published in 1957. This guard smelled trouble and it could be counted on to come—for a nose for trouble was ...
The Knights of Arthur
The Knights of Arthur is a science fiction novella by Frederik Pohl first published in 1958. Pohl takes us into the future in this quirky and funny story, where the population of t ...
The Hated
The Hated is a science fiction short story by Frederik Pohl first published in 1958 under the name Paul Flehr. After space, there was always one more river to cross ... the far sid ...
The Day of the Boomer Dukes
The Day of the Boomer Dukes is a science fiction short story by Frederik Pohl first published in 1956. A bored resident of the future, reading a crime magazine from the 1950s, deci ...
Det sanna livet
"Hos morbror Nathan var det dukat för seder. Jag satt bland männen, jag var fjorton och hade firat bar-mizvah. Jakov, som snart skulle fylla tio, satt vid ändan av bordet. Morbror ...
Hårda klappar
Snön hade lagt en vit slöja över Paris, ett mystiskt skimmer över takåsarna dit värmen från gatorna inte nådde, där de vita flingorna fick ligga ostört ett tag.Med darrande händer ...
En sång från havet
Stanken av rutten fisk fick Göran att rygga tillbaka när han klev in i hallen. Han släppte ner påsen på golvet och varor trillade ut. Drog tröjärmen över handen och höll upp den fö ...
Molly har precis förlorat sin enda väninna Judith och livet som ensam pensionär fylls av alltfler tomma likörflaskor och sena nätter framför TV:n. Därför kan hon till en början int ...
Ett testamente från helvetet
Precis innan 30-åriga Margot ska upprätta ett testamente med sin advokat försvinner hon spårlöst från sin villa. Vad Margots familj och vänner inte vet om är att hon skrivit böcker ...
Farlig sanning
En sommarnatt på sjukhusets kirurgavdelning får undersköterskan Anneli Robertsson ta hand om en gammal kvinna som råkat ut för en smitningsolycka. Kvinnan överlever inte och polise ...
Genesis is a short science fiction story by H. Beam Piper first published in 1951. A ship full of colonists crash-lands on a mysterious planet. Was this ill-fated expedition the en ...
Ministry of Disturbance
Ministry of Disturbance is a science fiction novella written by H. Beam Piper frist published in 1958. Sometimes getting a job is harder than the job after you get it--and sometime ...
Police Operation
Police Operation is a science fiction novella by H. Beam Piper first published in 1948. Hunting down the beast, under the best of circumstances, was dangerous. But in this little p ...
Oomphel in the Sky
Oomphel in the Sky is a science fiction novella written by H. Beam Piper, originally published in 1960. Since Logic derives from postulates, it never has, and never will, change a ...
Graveyard of Dreams
Graveyard of Dreams is a short science fiction story by H. Beam Piper first published in 1958. Despite Mr. Shakespeare, wealth and name are both dross compared with the theft of ho ...
Hunter Patrol
Hunter Patrol is a Science fiction novella by H Beam Piper and John J McGuire first published in 1959. Many men have dreamed of world peace, but none have been able to achieve it. ...
The Keeper
The Keeper is a science fiction short story written by H. Beam Piper first published in 1957. Evil men had stolen his treasure, and Raud set out with his deer rifle and his great d ...
Naudsonce is a science fiction novella by H Beam Piper first published in 1962. Naudsonce? What does THAT mean? Well, to find out you will need to read or listen to this story wher ...
Strövtåg i paradiset
Det här är tolv noveller som hämtar sitt innehåll i lika hög grad ur den grå vardagen som ur den osannolika fantasin. Den amerikanska short storytraditionen har varit en viktig käl ...
Flight From Tomorrow
Flight From Tomorrow is a science fiction short story by H. Beam Piper first published in 1950. Hunted and hated in two worlds, Hradzka dreamed of a monomaniac's glory, stranded in ...