E-böcker / Romantik
Lady in Danger
When Miss Emma Crayle suddenly found herself at the bedside of the wealthy Sir Adrian Denver, she received a most unexpected invitation of marriage to the man. How could she refuse ...
The Keys of the Castle
Judith was still battling a cold when her friend Ann took her to recover at her godmother’s a glorious castle on the Northumbrian coast. What seemed like the perfect getaway for re ...
Flower for a Bride
Lois Fairchild ends up becoming he governess to the son of Dom Julyan, a charming and wealthy Portuguese widower. Yet not everyone is happy about Lois staying at Quinta de Valerira ...
The Uncertain Glory
When Linnet Kintyre nursed the alluring Guy Monteith through his bout of malaria in London, she tied herself to him in more ways than one. Guy wished to marry her, and indeed almos ...
Love in Sunlight
Josie Winter ad the pleasurable task of nursing the lovely Dr. Michael Duveen as his private nurse at his friend’s place in Spain. The family friend turned out to be the charming M ...
Island in the Dawn
Felicity leaves for the beautiful Menzies Island in the Caribbean with Cassandra Wood, who has come to visit his uncle. The property is now inhabited by Paul Halloran, a former con ...
White Rose of Love
Steve traveled to Portugal to be with her brother and found a culture entirely different from her own – for better and for worse. When she encountered the handsome Dom Manoel, she ...
The Black Benedicts
When Mallory become the governess of Raife Benedict’s niece, she sets off for the beautiful Morven Grance, Raife’s house on the Welsh borderland. Her life becomes inextricably link ...
Autumn Wedding
Robert St. Cere’s younger half-sister was a lot to handle, and Robert wanted to provide her with some stability in her life. When he married Fern Gilchrist, it was more of a tactic ...
Henry VIII
‘Henry VIII’ is a highly entertaining historical play by William Shakespeare that dramatizes court intrigues and personal vendettas between the King’s advisors. King Henry starts t ...
Much Ado About Nothing
‘Much Ado About Nothing’ is one of Shakespeare's most popular plays. It is an absorbing romantic comedy as two couples find themselves in farcical situations as lies are spread and ...
Resurrection III
The final book in the 'Resurrection' cycle follows Nekhlyudov’s transformation into a penitent sinner. He renounces his wealth and land holdings to the peasants, then follows Maslo ...
Resurrection I
Serving on a jury board at the trial of a prostitute accused of murder, Prince Nekhlyudov is appalled to discover that the defendant is a woman he had once seduced and then abandon ...
Miss Mapp
'Miss Mapp' is the second novel from the 'Mapp and Lucia' series, following the life of a progressive woman who spends her days gossiping and scheming. One must tread carefully in ...
We and Our Neighbors
What do expectations and social problems have to do with romance? How much does society decide who you should be with? Harry and Eva are about to find out!In this sequel to Stowe’s ...
Lulu's Library II
The second volume in Alcott’s fantastic ‘Lulu’s Library’ trilogy continues right where the famed author left off, with more fantastical, magical and inspiring children’s tales. Pic ...
Kumpi vei sydämeni
Onko kenestä tahansa vaeltamaan ja selviämään Pohjolan luonnon armoilla? Ystävykset Kaija, Heikki, Valma ja Paavo päättävät lähteä Kuusamoon patikoimaan. Tavoitteena on kävellä kah ...
Vihellä minulle, Viki
Helka ja Pirjo ovat kaksi nuorta Turussa asuvaa sinkkutyttöä, jotka ovat myös toistensa kämppäkaverit. Kun tytöt päättävät vaihtaa asuntoa, heidän elämäänsä tulee muutakin säpinää ...
Anele minua - Eroottinen Novelli
"Ajatukseni täytti nyt vain hänen mulkkunsa ja se, miten paljon sitä halusin. Sitten hän liukui sisään, täytti minut kokonaan. Hän ei liikkunut ensin vaan antoi minun tuntea jokais ...
Veikaten vihille
Kirjailija Kalle joutuu illanvietossa tovereittensa irvailun kohteeksi, koska hän on seurueen ainoa poikamies. Kun joukko käy läpi kaikki Kallen puutteet, kirjailija sisuuntuu ja l ...
Kolme nuorta älykköä kapinoi sovinnaisuutta vastaan historiallisessa Helsingissä. Kirjailija Matias Teerenheimo, kuvanveistäjä Hilkka Vanaja ja tiedemies Kalervo Santala välttelevä ...
Ojos azules y magia negra
La primera novela de una serie que ha cautivado a miles de nórdicos.«Ojos azules y magia negra» es una novela diferente y encantadora escrita con cercanía y humor por la autora sue ...
Systrarna Blaumans hemlighet
Vem är Mira Blauman? Faktum är att hon själv har svårt att svara på det. Hon har levt hela sitt liv i Stockholm, men modern Hannas förflutna har gjort hennes bakgrund till ett myst ...
Boken om Alarik Barck
Alarik Barck är en högt aktad skeppsredare och handelsman. Han bor på Åland och njuter av de vackra och stillsamma omgivningarna. Men han är ensam; hustrun har gått bort och barnen ...
Sara och Lejonkringla
Bricken är fortfarande kvar och trots tilltagen ålder finns engagemanget fortfarande där. Hon får ge prov på sitt sociala samvete när hon av en slump möter en ung flicka i nöd. Fli ...