E-böcker / Erotik
LeXuS: Grundarna - erotisk dystopi
Mänskligheten håller på att korrumperas av en ohälsosam besatthet av sex, och någonting måste göras. Lestad, Xuang och Salazar har svaret: LeXuS. Deras delade ideologi och ambition ...
Dina kyssar - erotiska noveller
Hon har följt honom till hoteller och känner på sig att han vet vad hon vill. Plötsligt står han bakom henne och lägger händerna över hennes ögon. Nu är hon undergiven hans vilja o ...
Va¨ndpunkten - erotiska noveller
Hon blev tillfrågad om att vara modell för postorderkläder.Det blev avgörande för hennes önskan att visa upp sig.Begäret efter att vara naken och framhäva sin vackra kropp var djup ...
Sommar i Paris - erotiska noveller
En het sommardag söker hon svalka i en liten kyrka. Plötsligt står det en vacker ung man framför henne. Han kommer från biktbåset. Det visar sig att det finns plats för dem båda dä ...
Ny på jobbet - erotiska noveller
Nya kollegor på jobbfesten.Hon blir sittande med honom och henne och diskussionen kommer in på sex och sensualitet.Vad som gör en upphetsad, var en av frågorna.Närmanden följer och ...
Upplevelse i det franska - erotiska noveller
Middag på fiskrestaurangen blir intensiv när frun känner igen servitören som en av de mest välutrustade hon sett på nakenbadet som de går till.Hon kan inte hålla sig, hon går ut på ...
Turkiskt bad - erotiska noveller
Den kvinnliga reseguiden i Hellas provar på turkiskt bad på sin lediga dag.Massagen utförs med något lite extra när massören knådar, masserar och gör henne kåtare än väntat.Inne i ...
Fri - erotiska noveller
'Att gå utan behå fick mig att känna mig vansinnigt sexig. Mina bröstvårtor - små, rosa och fräcka - levde. De smekte mot blusen - min blus smekte dem - som en mjuk hand av en älsk ...
Stormen - erotiska noveller
'Utanför rasade stormen. Träd föll, broar och vägar stängdes och all tågtrafik i hela landet avbröts. Människor var strandsatta överallt, utan möjlighet att komma hem, och vi gjord ...
Vällust - erotiska noveller
'Hon hade varit där en gång tidigare, men blivit så överväldigad att hon var tvungen att lämna efter en kort stund. All den dolda önskan. Ljuden, dofterna, synen... Men hon kunde i ...
Peep Show - erotic short story
'She knew. Oh. How. She. Knew. Fuck. And that‘s when it happened. She slid her hand down the inside of her thigh and palmed her sex. Still staring straight at him, still looking in ...
Flesh - erotic short story
In this erotic short story, a romantic relationship develops from being ordinary and daintily erotic, to a relationship that empathizes the woman‘s need to dominate and the man's d ...
Kisses and Spanking - erotic short story
When you are deep into writing your thesis on the history of French eroticism, fantasy and reality can begin to blur... While writing on her thesis at a borrowed desk at her mother ...
Voyeur - Sexy erotica
'This hotel has something unique, which no other hotel has, as far as I know, and which is exclusively for the very wealthiest of the patrons. It's called PLAYROOM. It's a place wh ...
Memories of You - Sexy erotica
'In my memories, you're clearly present. In my dreams you're real, you're mine. Your lips find mine again. Your tongue is as playful as I remember it. Your demeanour is sensual and ...
Car Sex - Sexy erotica
'She smiles as she thinks about the time they drove out to the forest. She parked on a small dirt road at the forests‘ edge. Back when it was so warm that they had to open the wind ...
At My Master's Mercy - Sexy erotica
'Now I have my orgasms as often as I have the time, as often as the desire strikes me, and I can find the money. I don't have to think. My master knows what I like. He does everyth ...
Spanish Summer - Sexy erotica
'I had managed to calm down slightly, when, after five minutes or so, she appeared in the door to the bedroom. With her hair loose. Glasses gone. Red lipstick. And a lacy bodysuit, ...
The Nymph and the Fauns - Sexy erotica
'Five men were jumping about in fur-clad trousers and were wearing bizarre animal masks. The masks looked a bit like the kind one might put on large dogs to keep them from biting. ...
Eat with Me - Sexy erotica
'The ice cream is the final dish. He arranged the dessert beautifully on the plate, but instead of complimenting him, I let my index finger slide into the ice cream. I turn towards ...
Dirty Doctor - Sexy erotica
'My legs could hardly hold me the way my entire body was shivering. I'm sure he could tell because he grabbed me and held me up while he took in my other nipple with his mouth and ...
Obsessed with Owen Gray - erotic short story
'I feel my breasts getting tight and sore, as if they were about to burst. I'm leaning casually against the counter, but what no one can see is the man's hands squeezing my breasts ...
The Red Diamond - Sexy erotica
'My tongue had barely touched her other nipple when her breathing sounded as if she was about to have an orgasm.'How big is the stone?' I asked.She gasped: 'No more...'I took her n ...
Handyman - Sexy erotica
'I quickly turned my head and saw her standing behind the middle window in the living room, staring out at me. She came out soon after, still in her kimono with the flamingos. She ...
Jenny the Pirate - Sexy erotica
Jenny decides, unwillingly, to sell her houseboat to be able to finance her anthropological research project in Malaysia. At first there doesn‘t seem to be any potential buyers, bu ...