Audiobooks / Plays

Morfar till salu, farmor på köpet
Nicole älskar sin bestämda och roliga farmor och sin lite tjocka och snälla morfar som är så förtjust i korv. Och de älskar henne. Över allt annat. Men när de plötsligt vill vara m ...

Diana och Sebastian åker med sina barn Afrodite och Hampus på sommarsemester till familjens vackert men farligt belägna hus på den karga skärgårdsön. Samtidigt dyker Sebastians brö ...

The Tempest, a play by William Shakespeare – Summary
Shakespeare is regarded as the greatest writer in the English language and the world's best dramatist. His plays have been translated into every major language, and are the most pe ...

The Merchant of Venice, a Summary of the Play
The Merchant of Venice is a 16th-century play by William Shakespeare in which a merchant in Venice must default on a large loan provided by a Jewish moneylender. It has been listed ...

Romeo & Juliet by Shakespeare, a Summary of the Play
Shakespeare is regarded as the greatest writer in the English language and the world's best dramatist. His plays have been translated into every major language, and are the most pe ...

Macbeth, a Summary of the Play
The Tragedy of Macbeth is a play written by William Shakespeare. Set mainly in Scotland, the play illustrates the damaging physical and psychological effects of political ambition ...

King Lear, a Summary of the Play
King Lear is a tragedy written by William Shakespeare, depicting the gradual descent into madness of the title character, after he disposes of his kingdom giving bequests to two of ...

Hamlet by Shakespeare, a Summary of the Play
The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark, is a tragedy by William Shakespeare. Hamlet is Shakespeare's longest play and among the most powerful and influential tragedies in English ...

Best Quotes by William Shakespeare
Shakespeare is regarded as the greatest writer in the English language and the world's best dramatist. His plays have been translated into every major language, and are the most pe ...

As You Like It by Shakespeare, a Summary of the Play
As You Like It is a pastoral comedy by William Shakespeare believed to have been written in 1599. It follows its heroine Rosalind as she flees persecution in her uncle's court, acc ...

A Midsummer Night's Dream by William Shakespeare – Summary
Shakespeare is regarded as the greatest writer in the English language and the world's best dramatist. His plays have been translated into every major language, and are the most pe ...

Nordiska gudar : Lokes hämnd
De nordiska gudasagorna har många likheter med de grekiska och de är minst lika dramatiska. Gudarna är både onda och goda, man vet aldrig var man har dem. Det är därför de är så ro ...

Vem kan laga en trasig själ?
”Peter Ahlmans livsberättelse är som en actionfilm, så spännande att man som läsare nästan tappar andan under de dramatiska och alltmer sanslösa turerna. För en tid sedan recensera ...

Lasse & Lenin -En bok om Lasse Diding som hotellägare, kommunist, alkoholist, samlare, miljonär, boknörd, varbergsbo, frankofil, kubafrälst, retsticka och klosterägare
Lasse Diding är världens mest omskrivna Varbergsbo. Hotellägare med Lenin som varumärke, kommunist, mångmiljonär, initiativtagare till Jan Myrdalsällskapet, känd från filmen I vänt ...

Anita och Kimmo
Redan när läkaren öppnade dörren visste Anita att hon skulle få det besked hon fruktade. Så klart det var cancer. Anita hade aldrig trott på gudar, högre makter, andar eller på ett ...

De fallna änglarna
“ Det är som den värsta thrillern. Lite för detaljerat i morden för min smak, men har på något underligt sätt behållning av det. Upplösningen blev en befrielse, och jag skulle vilj ...

B. J. Harrison Reads The Tragedy of Coriolanus
"The Tragedy of Coriolanus" falls into the category of Shakespeares' political tragedies. It tells of the story of the legendary Roman hero Caius Marcius Coriolanus. Coriolanus' mi ...

B. J. Harrison Reads The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark
"The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark" is perhaps the most influential and widely acclaimed play by William Shakespeare. The tragedy follows Prince Hamlet as he concocts a plan ...

For the May Queen
It’s 1981 and 17-year-old Norma Rogers’ parents drop her off at the college dorms. Soon, Norma finds herself drunk and nearly naked with three strangers. The strip poker event is t ...

Ingen som du
Amanda är baren Kameleonts mest erfarna bartender. Vanligtvis skulle hon inte låta sig själv bli involverad med en gäst, men med Kaj är det annorlunda. Han ser henne på ett sätt so ...

No more Mr. Nice Guy - En handbok i relationsvåld
Han tog tag i min arm och böjde den så mycket att det kändes som den skulle gå av. Jag höll tillbaka tårarna och sa med en allvarlig ton åt honom att släppa mig. Han stirrade in i ...

B. J. Harrison Reads The Importance of Being Earnest
In 'The Importance of Being Earnest, A Trivial Comedy for Serious People', our main characters Algernon and Jack are tired of social obligations and have decided to lead a double l ...

The Master Builder
Master Builder Halvard Solness is an ageing architect who has not achieved what he wanted, neither in art nor in love. He fears and bullies his juniors, and thinks he is going mad. ...

Little Eyolf
In Henrik Ibsen's play 'Little Eyolf' we meet Alfred Allmer and his wife Rita, whose marriage and relationship has been strained ever since their son, Eyolf, fell from a table as a ...

Oedipus: The King
Aristotle's assertion that in Greek tragedy there is no loftier work than "Oedipus the King" cannot be lightly contradicted. This drama is endued fearfully with nature, as she work ...