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Omslagsbild för Power Through Repose
Isbn: 978-87-1167-603-5
Förlag: Saga Egmont
Tillgänglig sedan: februari 2018
Uppläsare: Paul Darn
Length: 5 timmar 2 minuter


Power Through Repose

Discover the hidden power through repose. This is probably the only book that dissects the hidden power of rest the power that is inherent in everyone the power that only a few thought exists! Common sense is dramatic ally challenged in this book. The author states that if the body is perfectly adjusted, perfectly supplied with force, perfectly free and works with the greatest economy of expenditure, great success can be achieved. Some of the concepts articulated in this book are quite revolutionary and will challenge your longheld notions about power, its applications and sources. Read this book to master your power of negotiation, achievement and self regard.

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