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Cover for Black Beauty
Isbn: 978-91-8108-095-7
Publisher: Modernista
Children's books 9-12 years
Accessible since: July 2024


Black Beauty

In the rolling fields of Victorian England, a majestic horse named Black Beauty embarks on an extraordinary journey through life. Told from Beauty's own perspective, the story chronicles his experiences from his idyllic youth on a gentle farm to the harsh realities of life in the bustling city. Along the way, he encounters kind and cruel owners alike, each shaping his understanding of human nature and the world around him.
Black Beauty is more than just a tale of a horse; it is a timeless classic exploring the relationship between humans and animals. It has inspired movements for animal welfare since its publication and continues to be read by children all over the world to this day.

ANNA SEWELL [1820–1878] was an English novelist. She wrote only one book in her entire career, Black Beauty [1877], which became one of the bestselling novels of all time.

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