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Omslagsbild för The Reunion
Isbn: 978-87-2832-281-9
Förlag: Saga Egmont
Romaner Noveller Feelgood
Tillgänglig sedan: januari 2023
Uppläsare: Sofia Engstrand
Length: 3 timmar 20 minuter


The Reunion

Visceral and poetic, these short stories reveal everyday miracles and trivialities, human desires and anxieties in a very recognizable reality. The woman who cooks soup for the lover whose fidelity she questions, the man who loses courage when faced with the birth of his child, the married couple who know they have embarked on their last summer together.

In English for the first time, readers of Tove Ditlevsen and Tove Jansson will be thrilled to discover the debut short story collection of a celebrated Danish writer.

Lotte Kirkeby (b.1970) is a Danish independent journalist, author, editor, and translator. She has co-authored a number of specialist books on maternity, old age and divorce. 'The Reunion' is her English debut.

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