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Omslagsbild för Robolove 3 - Operation: Silver Soul
Isbn: 978-87-2828-008-9
Förlag: Saga Egmont
Romaner Fantasy & SF
Tillgänglig sedan: augusti 2022
Uppläsare: Heather Henriques
Length: 8 timmar 17 minuter


Robolove 3 - Operation: Silver Soul

The gripping final instalment in the popular RoboLove trilogy.

Silver, former combat robot turned rebel, is tasked by his leader with a highly sensitive mission – to protect Patricia, First Lady of the PanAmerican States, from a treacherous assassin. To get as close to her as possible, Silver takes on the role of her handsome companion.

There’s just one snag: her powerful ex-husband sends a female robot to be her new bodyguard.

Soul – the breathtakingly beautiful R9 model – distrusts Silver from the very beginning. Yet she has no idea that this high-tech rival will turn her mission upside down.

Perfect for fans of Evangeline Anderson, Ruby Dixon, and Laurann Dohner.

Bestselling German author Martina André was born in Bonn in 1961. She has published several successful books including the well-known Templar novels. Martina André lives with her family near Koblenz and in Edinburgh, Scotland, which has become her second home.

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