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Omslagsbild för Better Business Better Future: Decode the Good Practices of Sustainability Trailblazers and Transform Your Corporate Business
Isbn: 978-91-5270-794-4
Förlag: Future Navigators
Ekonomi & marknadsföring
Tillgänglig sedan: januari 2022


Better Business Better Future: Decode the Good Practices of Sustainability Trailblazers and Transform Your Corporate Business

An excellent read for entrepreneurs, corporate business leaders, board members, and strategists aiming to future-proof their business by integrating sustainability into the very core. This book offers a way forward, helps you understand the Sustainability Revolution, and provides valuable insights into the journeys and strategic choices of sustainability trailblazers such as Patagonia, Interface, Ørsted, Unilever, IKEA, Oatly, and others. Because you are not the first company to discover the potential in doing well by doing good, or as William Gibson said: "The future is already here - it's just not very evenly distributed". Still, many wicked problems urgently need innovative solutions. Solutions that the world of business is particularly well equipped to address through the ingenuity, creativity, collaboration, and resources that it can so often call forth more effectively and efficiently than other human organizations. Here and now, this requires a move beyond business as usual and a transformation into Better Business.

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