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Omslagsbild för Major and Mrs. Holt's Battlefield Guide to the Somme
Isbn: 978-17-8303-509-0
Förlag: Pen and Sword
Historia Resor & geografi
Tillgänglig sedan: februari 2021


Major and Mrs. Holt's Battlefield Guide to the Somme

Major and Mrs. Holt's Battlefield Guide to the Somme is, without doubt, one of the best-selling guide books to the battlefields of the Somme. This latest updated edition, includes four recommended, timed itineraries representing one day's traveling. Every stop on route has an accompanying description and often a tale of heroic or tragic action.

Memorials, private and official, sites of memorable conflict, the resting places of personalities of note are all drawn together with sympathetic and understanding commentary that gives the reader a sensitivity towards the events of 1916.

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