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Omslagsbild för The Fish Store
Isbn: 978-19-0980-856-0
Förlag: Grub Street
Matlagning, mat & dryck
Tillgänglig sedan: februari 2021


The Fish Store

When her sons inherited their father's childhood home in a Cornish fishing village, once a commercial building for storing and packing pilchards, Lindsey Bareham thought it would be a nice idea to record some of the recipes and memories of this extraordinary place. It started as a notebook for her sons' eyes only, with lists of favorite ways of cooking mackerel, monkfish and sole and how to make mayonnaise to go with the gift of a handsome crab or crayfish, but then it took on its own momentum and became this very special book, full of recollections and anecdotes and fabulous holiday food. Although the setting is of course English, Bareham's recipes take in influences from all over the world, including Portugal (Portuguese Cabbage Soup with Rosemary Bruschetta), Italy (Red Mullet Wrapped in Parma Ham with Garlic and Rosemary) and Turkey (Spiced Aubergine Salad with Cumin). Nor, despite the location, are her recipes completely devoted to matters piscine. Chapters on eggs, chicken, lamb, vegetables and, of course, puddings, sit alongside a wonderful collection of recipes for fish of all kinds. First published to much acclaim in hardback by Michael Joseph in 2006 but out of print for a number of year; this is the book’s first appearance in paperback.

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