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Omslagsbild för A Simple Soul
Isbn: 978-87-2650-685-3
Förlag: Saga Egmont
Romaner Historiska faksimil Romantik Feelgood
Tillgänglig sedan: september 2020


A Simple Soul

"A Simple Soul" is a not so simple story about a French maid, who experiences the vicissitudes of life to its full extent. A story that serves as the inspiration behind Julian Barnes’ "Flaubert’s Parrot", the book excels in a perfect mixture of realism and psychological insights. Flaubert constructed a totally different protagonist compared to his earlier novels, teeming with corrupt and vile characters. The attention to detail, picturesque descriptions, and the loving attitude of Félicité makes this story a perfect read for any fan of beautiful prose and selfless acts of love and kindness.

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