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Omslagsbild för Jimmy: Dreams and Steamy Glances 2 - Erotic Short Story
Isbn: 978-87-2640-317-6
Förlag: LUST
Noveller Romantik Erotik
Tillgänglig sedan: september 2020


Jimmy: Dreams and Steamy Glances 2 - Erotic Short Story

Jimmy and Tess have three beautiful children. They love them more than anything, but having three little ones means it’s difficult to find time for themselves. Not only are they too tired to have sex, sometimes it feels as if they’re losing their spark. But now it’s time to change all that. After one too many interrupted opportunities that has left Jimmy frustrated and ready to explode, not made easier by the fact that Tess has taken to walking around the house without underwear, it’s time he takes her on a date. One where they definitely won’t be disturbed...

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