Förlag: Eldsjälsförlaget
Samhälle & politik
Tillgänglig sedan: maj 2020
Designing Dignity: From Me to We
Democratic nations, well-functioning businesses and successful schools are all based on these three foundations:
Trust: Faith that political systems, government agencies, hospitals, businesses and schools hold their promises, are reliable and make an honest effort to provide services that enhance the lives of citizens, employees, customers and students.
Civility: Politeness, caring, service and integrity are the value base from which an organization, society, family or individual can develop, thrive and serve.
Collaboration. No problems are solved without respect, listening, sharing and working together towards common goals.
This is a workshop-based book with concrete suggestions for Designing Daily Doses of Dignity (compare with Radom Acts of Kindness). The theory behind it has its sources in the study of habits, nudging and behavior economics. Simple, fun and rewarding exercises that will enhance your relationships and contribute to a greater sense of trust, civility and collaboration in our society, organizations and families.
John Steinberg, Ph.D. is the author of 53 books and 20 e-books about learning, communication, leadership and values. steinberg.se
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