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Omslagsbild för Leadership, strategy and culture : how to accelerate development
Isbn: 978-91-8918-006-2
Förlag: Bookea
Ekonomi & marknadsföring
Tillgänglig sedan: mars 2020
Uppläsare: Vivien Searcy
Length: 5 timmar 6 minuter


Leadership, strategy and culture : how to accelerate development

Maybe you have come to realise that it no longer works particularly well to give orders or to drive co-workers by using various KPIs. If so, you are likely to be looking for a credible and practical work method that will be able to increase the speed of development in your corporation. Core Of Development represents a highly efficient and powerful concept for leading people in a new and modern way. It entails solid strategic work that is focused on implementation in all teams, while at the same time creating a culture characterised by cooperation, proactivity and responsibility. Core Of Development offers an alternative that is pragmatic, concrete and business driven. Some of the results achieved in the corporations we have worked with have included: more than a doubled market share within two and a half years, accepted global standards in multinational corporations, established local strategies with clear activity plans in all countries, a predictable and common leadership.

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