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Omslagsbild för Hypertalks S4 E1
Isbn: 978-87-2617-684-1
Förlag: Saga Egmont
IT & teknik
Tillgänglig sedan: april 2019
Uppläsare: Hyper Island
Length: 50 minuter


Hypertalks S4 E1

For the first episode of HyperTalks Season 4, we are joined by learning
designers, Åsa Höistad Jonsgården and Nina Sandström in the studio.
Through their work, they foster group dynamic and leadership skills in our
rapidly evolving industry. As diverse, creative, team oriented environments
lead to productivity and employee motivation, it’s more important than ever
for companies to invest in their team development.
Hosts: Linn Jansson and Ku Adofo-Mensah

We are five Digital Data Strategy students from Hyper Island in Stockholm. Every month we will publish a new episode where we talk about breathtaking subjects with interesting guests.

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