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Omslagsbild för Character - Building Thought Power
Isbn: 978-87-1167-609-7
Förlag: Saga Egmont
Medicin & hälsa
Tillgänglig sedan: februari 2018
Uppläsare: Paul Darn
Length: 57 minuter


Character - Building Thought Power

Unconsciously, we are forming habits every moment of our lives. Some are habits of a desirable nature; some are those of a most undesirable nature. Some, though not so bad in themselves, are exceedingly bad in their cumulative effects, and cause us at times much loss, much pain and anguish. In contrast, the opposites of these habits would bring us much peace and joy, as well as a continually increasing power. Have we it within our power to determine at all times what types of habits shall take form in our lives? In other words, is habit forming, character building, a matter of mere chance, or have we it within our own control? This book describes a method whereby old, undesirable, earth binding habits can be broken, and new, desirable, heaven lifting habits can be acquired, a method whereby life in part or in its totality can be changed, provided one is sufficiently in earnest to know and, knowing it, to apply the law.

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