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Biblioteket meddelar: Välkommen till Biblio Library
Omslagsbild för The Universe
Isbn: 978-91-7569-477-1
Förlag: Books on Demand
Tillgänglig sedan: augusti 2017


The Universe

This book will transport you to a universe founded on a hypothesis whereby electrical instability reigns in an absolute vacuum in which positron-electron pair production takes place spontaneously. The author sheds new light on how matter and antimatter are formed and answers the riddle of gravitation. Gamma radiation from positron-electron annihilation is explained with a new model and he addresses the issues of dark energy, dark matter, and black holes that the physicists have no real explanation for.

The propagation of light in space and the orbits of the planets are also treated to new explanations based on this hypothesis.

This book will give you a whole new outlook on our amazing Universe.

Jan Lagerström has a fascination with astrophysics, researching into the subject for his personal interest. The findings from his research have led to a new hypothesis about the formation of matter and the origins of gravitation. In this book he also gives a new treatment to the issues of black holes and the propagation of light in space.

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