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Omslagsbild för Another Side of Gotland: Black and White Photography
Isbn: 978-91-7785-027-4
Förlag: Books on Demand
Konst, musik, teater, film
Tillgänglig sedan: juni 2017


Another Side of Gotland: Black and White Photography

This collection of photographs from the island Gotland in the Baltic Sea is an effort to take pictures that not necessarily are beautiful.The pictures in this collection were the result of an attempt to catch the spirit of Gotland but leaving out all the sunsets, sunrises, the rauks and the lambs. I approached Gotland in the summer of 2016 like it was any street or any town that I was visiting, grabbing every opportunity to snap an image.

Uffe Berggren, born 1947, has previously published a couple of literary titles via print-on-demand. In Uffes background there is a professional life as a journalist.

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