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Omslagsbild för The Home Brewing of Wine
Isbn: 978-91-8967-423-3
Förlag: Bokförlaget Exakt
Matlagning, mat & dryck Hobby, spel & lekar Engelskspråkiga
Tillgänglig sedan: september 2014


The Home Brewing of Wine

The Home Brewing of Wine explains the process of brewing wine at home.

Home production of wine has in the past 10 years undergone extensive development, this includes improved fermentation technology, and a lower chance of error. This book explains this in detail, and a new range of ingredients: what to choose and why.

Also included is new fortified wine recipes, tips on wine testing and seasoning.

The Home Brewing of Wine book has had various editions, and has been used as a guide in Scandinavia for over 30 years.

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