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Biblioteket meddelar: Välkommen till Biblio Library
Omslagsbild för Static
Isbn: 978-91-9795-793-9
Förlag: Whip Media
Deckare & spänning
Tillgänglig sedan: mars 2013
Uppläsare: Greg Thomas
Length: 8 timmar 19 minuter



Two people, living two very different lives, find themselves on a rollercoaster ride towards a subject that strangely and persistently draws them together.

Along the ride they experience unexplainable encounters and strange events, leading them to even doubt their own sanity. The big questions however, are; are they prepared for what awaits them at their destination? Are they willing to make the ultimate sacrifice in order to save not only a small boy’s life, but perhaps also what is left of humanity as we know it?

And who is it that keeps texting them…?

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