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Omslagsbild för 30 ways to close the deal - How to find, create, close and make deals happen
Isbn: 978-91-8709-312-8
Förlag: Soderpalm publishing
Ekonomi & marknadsföring
Tillgänglig sedan: mars 2012


30 ways to close the deal - How to find, create, close and make deals happen

Did you know that a lot of sellers never have the courage to ask for an order?

Were you aware that most sellers try to close a deal no more than once per customer call? 

Do you want to be the seller who can turn a no into a YES by trying for a close over and over again? 

Then read this book, follow the advice and do the exercises. You'll increase your sales dramatically. 

And remember: your competitor might already be reading this book. Can you afford not to?

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